Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Semester Writing Assignments and Rubric

Film Comparison #1
Due 2/8

After viewing the two documentary films, Enlighten Up and Naked in Ashescompare and contrast the “meaning” of yoga and its practice in India, and in the United States.

(1) Compare the lives of our two "seekers", "Nick Rosen" and "Santosh Giri".Consider their motivations, cultural preconceptions, experiences and the impact of their study.

(2) How do their experiences illustrate the differences between yoga in  India and the USA:
-the definition of yoga,
-the purpose of yoga practice,
-the methods of practice,
-the ways that one is drawn to yoga and the perception of yogis (those who practice yoga) in India and here in the U.S.

(3) How does the definition yoga reflect and adapt to the culture and time period in which it is contained? Illustrate your analysis with specific examples from the films.

Essays will be graded for content and for rhetorical style and execution. Please make sure to proofread your essays and structure them in a persuasive manner. (see writing rubric for class). Essays should have a formal introductory paragraph and conclusion and address all aspects of the question raised above. Length: 3-5 pages, double-spaced.*DO NOT CITE FROM INTERNET RESOURCES. (thank you)

you can watch the second movie, NAKED IN ASHES on Amazon instant view for $2.99
by clicking here.


Essay #2
Authority in Practice: Community & the Ritual Space
Due 3/1

Please base this essay on the readings by SMITH and NEVRIN, and your viewing of the film ASHTANGA NY. You May also comment on your personal experience practicing in a group class. All three sources should be used to answer the question posed below.

The practice of yoga in a group setting is a new phenomenon. The shala (practice space) and the Sangha (gathering for practice) are important components of modern postural yoga in the East and the West. Using the articles by NEVRIN and SMITH, and the film ASHTANGA NY, (1) Discuss the ways in which community and ritual create a meaningful experience for yoga practitioners. (2) Discuss the ways that the authority of the teacher expressed? (Consider language, sequencing, adjusting, discipline in practice, lineage, textual authority, ritual space, respect, etc.) (3) How is heat (ritual and actual) central to the transformational process in yoga practice? Illustrate your points with examples from the articles, the film and your personal practice where possible.

Medicine Essay

Essay #3

Yoga as Medicine: A Meditation
Due 4/5

Considering the “science” of yoga from both the Eastern and Western perspective, discuss the role of yoga as a system of health and healing in American culture. To do this, you must discuss (1) the possible application of Yoga and its sister science Ayurveda  (Svoboda book) as an alternative/complimentary medicine, and (2) the medical claims that are made by the yoga systems that we have discussed to date. (Iyengar, Ashtanga, Bikram & Sivananda & Viniyoga (see blog)). (3) Make sure that you consider health and healing from a broad perspective which considers mind, body and spirit. Note: look to your handouts, the readings, the effects of postures, and your own experience in practice for supporting evidence in your discussion.

Epic Truths & Practice
Essay #4
DUE 4/26

The Baghavad Gita , Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika are considered revolutionary texts, departing from earlier traditions by proposing many approaches to enlightenment. For this essay, COMPARE and CONTRAST these texts according to the following features:

  2. WHO may practice yoga? 
  3. How is it PRACTICED? (consider the techniques at the core of practice)
  4. What is the GOAL of practice? (consider the philosophical assumptions that underlie practice-dharma/karma, samkhaya, singularity of truth---HINT!!!)
  5. How might each text be viewed as a synthetic (brings together a diversity of current teachings)  philosophy which appeals to all religious traditions?
Please illustrate your discussion with examples from the texts where appropriate. Cite as chapter and verse (where appropriate- sutras, HYP) rather than page number.

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