Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Karma Projects

Is Selfless Service Possible?

When selecting your karma projects, keep in mind that you are attempting to define and participate in "selfless service". This participation will be the starting point for your continued REFLECTION on the idea of "karma yoga". Later in the term we will deal with this topic through an analysis of some of the major works of yoga philosophy. You will be required however to give an INITIAL 3 paragraph analysis of selfless service when you turn in your Karma Project Proposals. (due on 2/11)...see below.

Read this article for some ideas about reflection!


and then read this!!!!!!

and then….yup, you got it…these!

a "how to"?

and finally?…

Please Turn in a form or facsimile thereof with your three paragraph discussion of what you believe is "selfless service" Indicate below why you believe your project satisfies these requirements and what challenges you believe you will face as you move through the semester.


Description of Karma Project___________________________________________________________

Discussion: Why is this "selfless service"?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I _______________________________________________, understand that this "service" must be carried out throughout the semester. As I engage in selfless service, my principle aim is to observe my own motivations, reactions, feelings and observations, and the impact which my service has on the target of my service. I will record these observations in detail as data and reference. Through this observation I will continue to define and redefine "selfless service".
As I observe my own service, I will refer as a method of reflection to the articles above and their analyses. At the close of the semester I will write a final reflection which will both DESCRIBE MY EXPERIENCE OF SELFLESS SERVICE and REFLECT UPON ITS MEANING.

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